Avon Track and Field League
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Avon League:
2024 Round 2:
Sun. 11th Aug.
At Yate

Match Duties For 2024 Season

Please note: every field event team (except on U11 'Howler' / Standing LJ in Quadkids event) must include at least one official qualified to Field Judge Level 2 or higher who has been through the Health and Safety course, plus at least one L1 official. This is a UKA ruling, not just your League Sec. or Field Ref. being awkward.

The "promoting" teams are responsible for matters such as hurdle shifting, jumps bed uncovering / covering, helping the Field Referee with equipment, and dealing with any crises that might arise. Now the League is down to six clubs, we will have to ask host clubs to provide a Field events team as well.

Site Design by The Rubber Paw for OSWD; Site content by John Deaton.