Athletics In The South-West

Describing the sport of Athletics
in Avon, Cornwall, Devon,
Dorset, Gloucestershire,
Somerset and Wiltshire.

SW Regional Volunteer Awards 2023

SW Regional Volunteer Awards 2023
Newcomer to Volunteering
Joint Winners: Moni Brady (Bristol & West AC)
Charlie Milward (Erme Valley Harriers)
Community Project of the Year
Winner: Par Track Ltd. (Cornwall)
Runner-Up: Littledown Harriers
Club Leader of the Year
Winner: Sarah Swift (Poole Runners)
Runner-Up: Tom Hutchison (Team Bath AC)
SW Club of the Year
Winner: Somer AC
Runner-Up: Exeter Harriers
Contribution to Running
Winner: Honiton Running Club
Runner-Up: Plymouth Falconers
Coach of the Year
Winner: Mark Thomas (Team Bath AC)
Runner-Up: Julian Emery (North Somerset AC)
Inspiring Officials
(Not in Priority) Pete Davenport (Bristol & West AC)
Stuart Nunn (Yate & District AC)
Mandy Sinden (Cornwall AC)
Services to Athletics and Running
(Not in Priority) Pat Gallagher (Westbury Harriers)
Nick & Sally Highman (Somerset AA)
Paul Ross (Erme Valley Harriers)
Dave Turner (Avon Schools AA / Avon AA)
"Room 2 Reward" Prize
Moni Brady (Bristol & West AC)
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