Athletics In The South-West

Describing the sport of Athletics
in Avon, Cornwall, Devon,
Dorset, Gloucestershire,
Somerset and Wiltshire.

EA South-West Council Members

Members of the South-West Council as from April 3rd 2023 are:

Recently retired members:

  • Nigel Rowe (former Chair, maximum 8 years service)
  • Keith Reed (former Chair, maximum 8 years service)
  • Richard Llewellyn-Eaton (former Chair, maximum 8 years service)
  • Mo Pearson (maximum 8 years service)
  • Sonya Ellis (maximun 8 years service)
  • David Cooke (maximum 8 tears service)
  • Tony Gale (4 years service)
  • Graham Berry (4 years service)

Co-Opted Members:

  • David Cooke
  • Sonya Ellis
  • Roland Gibbard
  • Richard Llewellyn-Eaton
  • Sarah Massey
  • Keith Reed


Councillors are elected for a period of 4 years, serving for a maximum of 8 years. The Council has a maximum of seven elected positions; there are seven South-West Counties, but this is coincidence. Counciilors work for the interests of the South-West athletics community, not just their own county.

Elections are held every two years, with the next process starting in early 2025. The situation for the SW Council is:
  • 2025 elections:
    • Elliot Prince: eligible for second 4-year term
  • 2027 elections:
    • Paul d'Arcy, John Deaton: not eligible for further service
    • Brian Baker, Debbie Brooks, Holly Newman, Charlotte Phillips: eligible for second 4-year term

    The Council is entitled to appoint up to six co-opted members (i.e. one less than the number of elected members). The Council is in discussion with EA to determine who may be co-opted.