UKA Coaching Awards: Master Coach

There are no details of this award yet (your Webmaster assumes that the idea has been quietly shelved), but it "is likely to take five years or more to study for and to pass", and "will be rigorously assessed to the highest standards". There will be "extensive oral assessment, practical observations of coaching, and a formal written exam". (all quotes from an England Athletics document). Another quote is that the cost will be "relatively small" (compared to what, your webmaster wonders?).

Your webmaster, as cynical as ever, wonders whether, with all this studying plus (possibly) work, family and the odd bit of interest in life outside athletics, anyone making a serious attempt at this award will actually have much time to coach any athletes? And what happens if an athlete coached by a "Master Coach" is beaten by someone coached by a lesser personage, or, horror of horrors, someone not coached at all?