Links to Various Sites

Web-Sites of Athletic Organisations
Midland Counties Athletic Association Midland Counties AA . The Avon AA clubs now come under the Midlands Area of England Athletics, as well as the South-West Region.
Athletics in the South-West Athletics in the South-West. This site covers the seven Counties of the South-West region of England Athletics, including news from the England Athletics South-West Council.
Welsh Athletics Welsh Athletics. Several Avon-resident athletes are eligible by birth or parentage to compete in Welsh Championships or to contend for places in Welsh teams; others travel into Wales for competition, including for the South-West Indoor T&F Championships. So here is some information about Athletics Across The Bridge.
British Athletics British Athletics is the consumer brand of the governing body “UK Athletics”. UKA is the Member Federation of World Athletics responsible for athletics in the United Kingdom.
England Athletics England Athletics The organisation which controls the nine regions organising athletics within England. You can make Championships entries via this site.
English Schools Athletic Association English Schools Athletic Association The replacement ESAA site is now here, and looking good.
Trail Running Association Trail Running Association For those who find Cross-Country races too tame and Road Races not bumpy enough.
Fell Runners Association Fell Runners Association For those who find Cross-Country and Road races too tame and Trail Races not bumpy enough. They don't just operate in the North!
British Masters Athletic Federation British Masters Athletics Federation If you've reached the age of 35 ... you now become a "Master" not a Veteran

Magazines and Web Sites for Athletics
Tokyo 2020 The Paris 2024 Website. If you want to revive your Olympics-mania from 2024, here's your site.

If you're nostalgic for earlier Games, there's the The Tokyo 2020 Website, The 2016 Rio Games site, or even The 2012 Games Site.
RunBritain The RunBritain website. This brand is being phased out, in favour of Run Events, under the management of EA.
UKA Coach Hub UKA Coach Resource Website. Once you have signed on to the UK Athletics Hub, you can access a variety of videos and other coaching information. EA promise monthly updates.
AW (Athletics Weekly) AW. The magazine which used to be called Athletics Weekly. Well, it doesn't seem to have done Kentucky Fried Chicken (sorry, 'KFC') much harm abbreviating their name.
The Power Of Ten The Power Of Ten. One of the better initiatives in athletics: using the power of modern IT to provide a comprehensive service of athletics performance data.
Neuff Sports Neuff Athletic Equipment. For the 2024 UKA Rule Book, or other equipment, coaching or officiating items, this is a suitable mail-order source.
World Athletics World Athletics (the World Governing Body). The renamed IAAF (June 2019). For those who are interested in the World athletics scene, all the results and statistics they could hope for.
Athletics Museum The Athletics Museum. An on-line collection of athletics nostalgia, including from past English Schools meetings.

Links To Associated Sports
British Orienteering Federation British Orienteering Federation Running and Thinking!
British Triathlon Association British Triathlon Association
Long Distance Walkers Association Long Distance Walkers Association The tough but non-competitive side of Walking (Long = usually 20 miles upwards).
Spoof Site Or The Real Thing? Spoof Site ... or The Real Thing? You decide! For something more technical try This Site to help you make up your mind?

Links To Non-Associated Sports
Octopush  Underwater Hockey. Some comedian's joke, maybe? Well ...

Health Issues
Cardiac Risk in the Young Cardiac Risk in the Young. A quote from an earlier front page of the site: "Every Week in the UK at least 12 young people die suddenly from undiagnosed heart conditions". Not you or your family? Hopefully not, but ...