UK Coaching Awards: Leader in Running Fitness

UKA Leadership in Running Fitness Award
To be eligible?
Age 18 or over and -- er, that's it. You're welcome even if you've never competed in the sport. You will need to go through a DBS check before qualifying.

To qualify?
Course bookings can be made at The UK Athletics Hub Website. You will need to register with / login to the UK Athletics Hub website. CAUTION: these courses can fill up quickly!
Format of the Course (2021 onwards)
The course will consist of:
  • Four self-guided on-line modules:
    1. Individual Centred Leading and the Role of the Leader
    2. Running Fitness Session Content
    3. Performance Factors, Energy Systems and their application
    4. The Role of the Leader in Injury Avoidance
  • Participants filming themselves leading a warm-up activity and part of the main session (Course Tutor will deliver feedback)
  • A Virtual Classroom session, with opportunities for discussion and interaction

Included in this course booking is access to the online UK Athletics Mandatory Training Module (Safeguarding and First Aid) which candidates were previously required to book separately.

Virtual Classroom Dates include:
  • Sun. 21st July 10.00 - 11.30
  • Sun. 21st July 12.30 - 14.00
  • Mon. 22nd July
  • Wed. 24th July
  • Thu. 25th July
  • Sat. 27th July 10.00 - 11.30
  • Sat. 27th July 12.30 - 14.00
  • Tue. 30th July
  • Thu. 1st August
  • Sun. 4th August 10.00 - 11.30
  • Sun. 4th August 12.30 - 14.00
  • Tue. 6th August
  • Wed. 7th August
  • Thu. 8th August
The Cost? Cost: Non-EA Affiliated: £190. EA-Affiliated: £160. You may be eligible for Avon AA support towards the cost.
The Small Print? You can read it Here
More Info? For more information, contact The Coach Education Team.